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Second Semester
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E-Books in Mackin Via
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Useful links for Teachers
Ed Tech Essentials
EBRPSS Chrome Web Store lets you find district approved apps and extensions to customize your Chrome browser
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EdTech Forum lets you post questions (and answers) to your technology problems
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Integration Tools slide deck gives you fun new technology tools to integrate into your classroom
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Teacher Login Essentials Find out logins for most EBR systems, including textbooks. Also includes information on who to contact if you have issues.
Google Forms Templates Exit tickets! Club sign-ups! Daily journals! Before you make your own form, check out the template gallery put together by EBR to see if they have what you need.
Log into your EBR Google account to view
Classroom help answers basic questions about using Google Classroom
Sutori Timeline Creator lets your students create interactive timelines. It also syncs with Google Classroom.
Cube Creator from Read Write Think helps students with organizing and summarizing class readings.
Cool Stuff
Fun ways to engage your students
Flippity helps you easily turn a Google Spreadsheet of terms into flashcards, a word search, a jeopardy game and much more.
My Simple Show guides students through making animated explainer videos, starting with a script all the way through to a finished product, which can be downloaded.
Class Tools gives lots of options for you or your students to create games or generate fake social media profiles or text conversations.